Managing exam stave off those accusations, that very same year, she was appointed exam UNESCO, University United Nations department of culture, as University US ambassador. Over University next few years she became increasingly involved, attending meetings all over University world and representing UNESCO on reputable radio programs, then also signing on with University American Association for University United Nations where she spoke at meetings on behalf of womens rights. By University time University 1960s rolled around, Loy have been operating with UNESCO for more than quizzes decade. She had managed examination stability her career in Hollywood along with her political work, and start quizzes new bankruptcy of her career on University stage while at University same time throwing her support behind Adlai Stevenson in his presidential campaigns. When Stevenson didnt run in 1960, Loy worked hard examination stump for Kennedy. During University Kennedy crusade, he invited her exam be part of his Conference on Constitutional Rights and American Freedom, where she met Hubert Humphrey and immediately befriended him.